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Cyberbullying: How Is It Different from Face to Face Bullying?

Updated: Oct 28, 2021

A recurrent aggressive behavior that can be verbal, physical, or relational, online or in-person, can be bullying. For instance, verbal abuse in the workplace or threats online are perfect examples of bullying. It may often lead the victim to live in constant fear of when an

d where the bully may strike next, what they will do, and how far they can go.

What is cyberbullying?

Technology is like a boon for all of us. However, with the facilities that it brings along, it has also paved a new way for bullying. The advent of technology means that bullying is now no longer limited to schoolyards, office buildings, college corridors, or street corners. It can now occur anywhere, even within the security of our homes.

This form of bullying that occurs through the means of smartphones, texts, phone calls, emails, and social media, is cyberbullying. Cyberbullies make use of digital technology to threaten, harass, or humiliate people.

How is Cyberbullying Different from Face-to-Face Bullying?

· Presence of The Extra Layer of Anonymity

The first difference between face-to-face bullying and cyberbullying is the added benefit of anonymity that cyberbullies get. In face-to-face bullying, you know who your bully is. For example, even if the bully in your office may attack you behind your back, they may make a show of it.

However, employee harassment online is an entirely different story. Cyberbullies here have a hidden identity. They may attack you under a pseudonym, and you may find it difficult to catch them. It further boosts the confidence of the bully as they feel that they will not get caught.

· Cyberbullying Offers the Bully an Ease of Access

As per the teenage cyber-bullying statistics, as much as 59% of teens in the USA have experienced cyberbullying. The reason behind this can be the ease of access it provides to the bullies along with the anonymity factor.

In the case of bullying someone face-to-face, there needs to be an assailant and the victim. Also, along with this, there may be some bystanders. However, in the internet-world, bullying can be of various forms. From being public rumors to even threatening direct messages, it can be anything. What’s even worse in the cyberbullying scenario is that more than one bully can join in.

· No Matter Where You Are, You Will Be Connected to The Bully at All Times.

The traditional bullying allows you to seek shelter somewhere. It is because unless there is no physical proximity to the abuser, he will not be able to harm you. You can even get a restraining order against someone for civil harassment.

However, when it comes to cyberbullying, you will be a target no matter where you are in the world. It is because the bully contacts you using a digital medium. And staying away from these is impossible in today’s internet-driven world. You may go to sleep and wake up to a new threat. Cyberbullying may thus make you feel unsafe even in the place you are the safest – your home.

· Online is Forever!

“What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas,” you may have heard of this numerous times. The statement implies to the privacy of an event. However, in the case of cyberbullying, what goes on the internet, stays there. It is difficult to erase. After all, online is forever! So, bullies may use it to post something embarrassing about you for others to see. In such a case, you can ask the service providers to take the content down.

How to Deal with Cyberbullying?

· Never blame yourself. You getting bullied is not your fault. So, no matter what a bully says or does, do not be too hard on yourself.

· A bully is usually a frustrated or unhappy person. Be it workplace harassment or any other form; all is done by the bully to have control over your feelings. They want you to feel bad just like they do. So, try not to give them the satisfaction.

· Do not dwell on cyberbullying. Instead of reading the messages of the bully, again and again, delete them.

· Also, learn to manage stress. Spending time doing things you enjoy is an ideal choice for it.

· Take the help of a cell phone monitoring software.

To prevent cyberbullying can watch this video :

Spymaster Pro – The Perfect Application to Prevent Cyberbullying

Using a cell phone monitoring software is an excellent choice to catch a bully and to protect your kids and family against cyberbullying. Also, such applications come handy to control workplace harassment, as well. However, with millions of choices available online, it can be challenging to choose the best. It is where we will come to your rescue and present you with Spymaster Pro.

Spymaster Pro is the most coveted and reliable spy app that you will ever come across. It has all the necessary features you would require to control cyberbullying, both inside your home and workplace. And the best part, to be able to use it, you need not be a tech expert. This software gives you the freedom to track a specific device from any browser and anyplace.

When it comes to the software price, it is sure to be within your means. Also, there is no requirement of any rooting of the phone or jailbreak on the target device. With Spymaster Pro at your service, cyberbullying will never be a concern for you and your loved ones.


Cyberbullying or bullying in any form is a matter of concern. One of the best ways to stop it is by preventing the problem before it starts. For this, make sure to educate your kids about the same and encourage them to tell you if someone bothers them. You can also use a cell phone monitoring software like Spymaster Pro to assist your kids. And it will come handy to put a stop to employee harassment in your workplace, as well.

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